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Azerbaijani-Style Eggs with Tomatoes + My First YouTube Video!

Azerbaijani-Style Eggs with Tomatoes + My First YouTube Video!

Azerbaijani-Style Eggs with Tomatoes

This post was originally published on July 23, 2016 and I am updating it today with the video to the recipe from my brand new YoutTube Channel. Please SUBSCRIBE to it and share it with your friends.

In Turkey, it is menemen, in North Africa and Middle East, it is shakshuka, and in Azerbaijan, it is pomidor chighirtmasi, also known as pomidor-yumurta (literally, “tomato-egg”). What do these dishes have in common?

In them, tomatoes and eggs prove to be a match made in heaven, or rather a skillet. Although in many cases, in shakshuka and menemen, besides tomatoes, other vegetables such as onions and peppers are also used before they are topped with eggs, pomidor chighirtmasi is made with only 2 main ingredients – tomatoes and eggs. Yet, the resulting dish is absolutely amazing. Sometimes the simplest of dishes are the ones that impress our palates the most. Don’t you agree?