Top 10 Pictures

I’ve been tagged again. How fun! My wonderful foodie friend Vi from Flowers In The Kitchen tagged me. Thank you, VI! This is a new tag started by Anna at Anna’s Kitchen Table. Here’s a quote from Anna:

“Right guys, listen up….I’m starting a tag. It’s called ‘Top 10 food pics’. Here are mine, all my favourites. I’m tagging 6 people to do their own ‘top 10’. Then if those 6 people could each choose 5 people of their own to tag we’ll get to see some really good food pics! Almost like our very own food pic chain…”

Oh, that’s a great chance to direct my readers to some of my favorite recipes in case they have missed them:)) So, here they come, My Top 10 Pics. Click on the picture to see the recipe. Scroll all the way down to see who I am tagging for their best shots! Enjoy!





















I am tagging the following 5 foodies to post their 1o best shots. They all have quite a lot of nice pictures on their blogs, so.. check them out:

Diva at The Sugar Bar

Deeba at Passionate About Baking

Cynthia at Tastes Like Home

Chris and Lisa at We [Heart] Food

Divya at Dil Se

Vi, thank you for tagging me. It was fun!



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  1. i just realised all the 5 names you tagged end with an ‘a’. lol, thanks for the tag. i’ll work on this & flash my best bits. that sounds wrong.

    cheers my friend, x

  2. Farida..ur pics look gorgeous..thanks for tagging me..Ive already bookmarked 6 of them to try..Thanks for helping me discover thses recipes by tagging me..

  3. Hi Farida,

    Thank you for joining in, your pictures are amazing, I love all of them but I will def have to try your lovely version of baklava.

    Vi xx

  4. nice observation with the endings, Diva:)) I didn’t do it intentionally though:)) How funny!

  5. What a great tag. Fun to see what you think are the best photos on here. I still dream about that zebra cake and plan to make it some time. It is simply eye catching!

  6. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — you take beautiful photographs (and make amazing food)!

  7. Those are some really nice food pics!

  8. These are gorgeous! You tagged the right people too – all of their posts are amazing.

    xoxox Amy

  9. You’ve got a GREAT set of pictures Farida. Thanks a lot for tagging me…this is one I would LOVE to do. Hope I can do as much justice to the tag as you have done. What a great idea this is from Anna. WOW!! Thanks a ton…am still gobsmacked by the zebra cake…o boy!! It’s stunning!! Thanks again & lol

  10. What a great idea! You do have fantastic pics!

  11. Great pictures and delicious looking food! Wonderful!



  12. This is a fabulous tag, a well worthy one indeed and wonderful photos too.

  13. What gorgeous pictures Farida. Delicious food.

  14. Great picks! My favorites are TANDOORI BREAD and PIROJKI.They look so tasty!

  15. That pomegranate salad is beautiful! Well, they all are–you take fabulous shots, Farida! Fun game!

  16. Hi Farida,
    I have been visiting your blog for a while and enjoying the recipes. Too bad I missed the screaming contest 🙁 I would vote your blog an “E”xcellent, please keep up the good work.
    Every picture you have posted looks more delicious than the others. Are you a photographer also? Do you have a website for it?
    Thank you for sharing all these. I know how hard it is! I appreciate and wish you the best of the luck.


  17. I can never forget the zebra cake..that’s etched in my mind 😀

  18. Thank you guys for all your nice words! I am so happy you like my blog! And I am flattered too:)

    Max: Welcome! Glad you like the site. Oh, I am not a professional photographer, and I am still learning how to improve my shots. I secretly wish I were a professional photographer – it could have saved a lot of my time:)

  19. I keep seeing all kinds of beautiful eggplant pictures lately – yours included! Counting down the days until they’re in season…

  20. I love love LOVE your photos!! Not to mention your recipes!! Thank you for the comment..

  21. I enjoyed all your pictures! really nice blog.

  22. Hi Farida, what stunning photos they all look Delicious!!

    Rosie x

  23. This is a great tag! i may tag myself for this, only to revisit some old dishes that sometimes get lost in the blog-o-sphere! All those look fabulous. I need to bookmark that whole fish w/ walnuts. YUMM.

  24. THANK YOU!

    Rachel, Parsnipsaplenty, Heather, Poonam, Rosie and Jonathan!

  25. Mouthwatering pictures Farida! Professional! You reminded me of the tadoori bread. Really love the way it looks. I got a ton of stuff to do till the end of April, then in May I am hoping to try recipes from my favorite bloggers, and tandoori bread is certainly one of them. I am looking forward to that! 🙂

  26. What a fun tag – and you are such an amazing photographer! I’m glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours!

  27. Farida, BROVO!!!! I love all those photo’s they look terrific! I can’t wait to try your Tandoori bread, I’ve never made that before. It all looks great!

  28. Hey Farida..check out my blog ..I have done the top 10 pictures thing

  29. Hi..You have been tagged by me..check out my blog..Participate only if u wish

  30. Medena: Thank you! Tandoori bread is my favorite. Let me know if you try it.

    Deborah: Welcome to my blog! Glad we “discovered” each other:)

    Chuck: Thank you! I will be flattered if a bread expert like you tries my tandoori recipe.

    Divya: Thank you for tagging me. Off to your blog now:)

  31. Somehow during our move to WP from blogger, I missed this!
    So I finally posted my top 10:


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