
Exclusive Azerbaijani Dining Experience in Our House & You Are Invited!

Exclusive Azerbaijani Dining Experience in Our House & You Are Invited!
Azerbaijani Dinner

Posing with my homemade baklava at Azerbaijani dinner event for Culinary Historians of Southern California.

About a month ago, I hosted an exclusive Azerbaijani dinner in our house for the members of the Culinary Historians of Southern California, following my lecture at the Los Angeles Central Library.

My goal was to offer the guests not only a unique dining experience, but also allow them to immerse in the Azerbaijani culture even if it was for a few hours, and learn about it firsthand. Guests were served at least 15 sweet and savory dishes from the menu that I expanded from the original, watched traditional dance performances and danced themselves, too! I personally had so much fun!

Azerbaijani Dinner

Glimpse of the table before main dishes arrive. Photo by Doris Arima.