So, What’s in the Book?

Rice Pilaf with Sour CherriesRice Pilaf with Sour Cherries and Golden Crust (recipe in “Pomegranates and Saffron”)


Friends, thank you so much for showing such great support to my cookbook! Your pre-orders keep coming!

I’ve received quite a few emails from some of you, asking about the contents of the book and the type of recipes included in it. Below is the CONTENTS page picture (disregard the page numbers for now). There are 15 food categories, including appetizers and salads, soups and stews, lamb and beef, poultry and game, fish, and others. Most recipes (about 90%) have never been published on the blog, while the rest are some favorites from here.

Besides recipes, the book will contain interesting information on the country’s hospitality, holidays, and lots of food-related sayings and proverbs throughout. You will also find chapters on basics and techniques of Azerbaijani cooking, a glossary of commonly used ingredients and culinary terms, conversion charts, and additional resources about the country.

I hope you will enjoy reading this book and cooking from it as much as I did writing it for you.

Note that the First Edition is Limited. To pre-order your own copy  please click HERE.

For more information, go to:

Thank you!

Pomegranates and Saffron Book Contents

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